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What is availability heuristic?

The availability heuristic (or availability bias) is a type of cognitive bias that helps us make fast, but sometimes incorrect, assessments. It involves relying on information that comes to mind quickly or is most available to us.

What is an example of a heuristic in psychology?

Heuristics are mental shortcuts or rules of thumb that help people reduce the time and effort required to make a decision. An example of a heuristic in psychology is the availability heuristic (or availability bias ). It involves relying on information that comes to mind quickly, (i.e., information that is available to us).

What if the availability heuristic played a role in lying second?

If the availability heuristic played a role in this, lying second would remain in jurors' minds (since it was more recent) and they would most likely remember the witness lying over the truthfulness.

Does vividness affect availability heuristics?

In both studies, vividness affected both availability (ability to recall) and judgments. However, causal modeling results indicated that the availability heuristic did not play a role in the judgment process.

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